Jutro in Polish means "tomorrow"; in my personal musical language, from now on, Jutro will mean " Tomorrow's language".
The work was entirely composed and performed by Kamila Kostur.
For years and years, we have all understood the urgency of communicating with people of different languages and cultures:

to do this, the institutions have tried to elevate existing languages to the rank of universal language;

instead, the people, who have a more practical and respectful nature, have implemented more fascinating

strategies such as Portolano, a language once spoken in port areas that was simply a mix of words

from various languages known and necessary there, then and at that time.

Finally, intellectuals have tried several times to codify a language-mix and I am thinking specifically of the last

failed experience in this field constituted by Esperanto. Yet the only possible solution has always been in our hands:

sound is an interracial, ancestral, very current and future communicative heritage.

By extension, it is art itself that, in its infinite abstraction, is the most subtle and evolved code of communication.

"Jutro" is Kamila Kostur's way of using sound as a communicative tool: 12 vocal compositions that tell stories without using words, songs that are adrenaline and touch the heart of the creativity of the listener, in a place where communication is never dictatorship but always and only exchange.

Conceived and composed by Kamila Kostur
Kamila Kostur: voices, violin, programming.
Manuel Gordiani: Guitars, Duff, Udu-drum, Esraj, programming.
Jutro is a Homezero 2011 production


You can use this work respecting those Creative Commons licenses (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/it/legalcode) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/it/). (any language is available to read the license details)
Please, always remember to name the authors in any public reproduction of this work.
To obtain any extra permission, please contact at this email address: kamilakostur@gmail.com

1. Jutro
2. Spektrum
3. InnĂ 
4. Pomojemu
5. Nie
6. Esp
7. Arunk
8. Ayo
9. Hen daleko
10. Kotou
11. Jupi
12. Epylog

The Collection Music, from which the exhibition CoNMedianti was born, has been proposed in the contemporary artistic circuit as the phenomenon of experimentation and integration in a single work of two disciplines: visual arts and sound.

The visual enjoyment of the work of art - be it a painting, a sculpture, an assembly or an installation - is combined with listening to the music produced by Manuel Gordiani for HOMEZERO.

The works have been realized with the music of Jutro and Medianti by artists: Natino Chirico, Laura De Lorenzo, Renato Flenghi, Carola Masini, Ivan Nanut, Elisa Pacitti, Dario Romerio, Alberto Timossi, Stefano Trappolini and exhibited in Rome in Spazio 85 / Ciampi Luxury Gallery in June 2015.











Kamila Kostur

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